“Peanutsfactory” is an artist book featuring André Wilhelm, an autodidact who emerged from punk art movement from its very beginning. Coming from a type setter apprenticeship background, André Wilhelm joined in the middle of the 80’s the “Junge Wilde” group in Luzern as a painter, and he developed in time an unique artistic language. He combines experiences, citations from various media and raw materials of all sorts to produce unexpected imaginary worlds.
André Wilhelm lives his art without compromises, challenging his environment, never trying to please, never fitting in any market framework, with the consequence that he can’t really live from his works.
“Peanutsfactory” displays his collages, drawings and paintings. These are works in which everyday culture, art history and fashion meet each other in a surprising and eclectic way. Subtle irony and sensuality encounter impetuous and rough artistic energy.
End papers drawn by Pat Squires, former billboard sign painter of the “Evening Standard” in London.
Benteli, text by Guido Magnaguagno, 2007, 26 x 21 cm, 76 pages, 54 greyscale and color plates, hardcover book with hand stamped cover by the artist and a textile page as an insert